et apiToken
à inclure dans les headers de vos requêtes.# POST POST /path Content-Type: application/json apiKey: xz1232xzd213213er213213dczxcc3loizxzs12dczx apiToken: xz1287xzdwer213213dczxcas12dczx # GET GET /path apiKey: xz1232xzd213213er213213dczxcc3loizxzs12dczx apiToken: xz1287xzdwer213213dczxcas12dczx
HTTP Statut | Description |
200 - OK | Succès de la requête |
HTTP Statut | Description |
400 - Bad Request | Paramètres manquants ou invalides |
401 - Unauthorized | API Key/token invalide |
402 - Request Failed | Requête valide mais échec du traitement |
404 - Not Found | Endpoint inexistant |
429 - Too Many Requests | Quota de requêtes dépassé |
HTTP Statut | Description |
500, 502, 503, 504 - Server Errors | Erreur technique interne |
Protocol: FTP Host: ftp.prestige-mls.com Port: 21 Username: YourUserName Password: YouPassword
Attributes | |
uid string required
The unique idetifier of the property in your system (must be unique). |
cadastre string |
The property's land register number. |
mandat_date datetime |
Date of the mandat. |
mandat_reference string |
Reference of the mandat. |
flag_id integer |
1 - New 2 - Price Reduction 3 - Open House 4 - Sold/Rent |
sharing_partner_status integer (If null, default = 1) |
Allow the property to be used on others PRESTIGE MLS Members website. 0 - No 1 - Yes |
sharing_social_status integer (If null, default = 1) |
Allow the property to be shared on social media. 0 - No 1 - Yes |
web_visibility_status integer (If null, default = 1) |
Property status. 0 - Offline 1 - Online |
visibility_id integer (If null, default = 1) |
The visibility of the property is ? 1 - Public 2 - PRETIGE MLS Member Only 3 - Off-Market |
classification_id integer required
The classification of the property is ? 1 - Apartment 2 - Castle/Mansion 3 - Country Home 4 - Loft 5 - Stud Farm 6 - Hotel 7 - Golf 8 - Town House 9 - Island 10 - Land 11 - Villa 12 - New Property 13 - Farm/Ranch 14 - Chalet 15 - Penthouse 16 - Waterfront House 17 - Commercial/Office 18 - Building 19 - Estate 20 - Vineyard 21 - Showroom 22 - Other |
transaction_type_id integer required
Is the property for sale or for rent? 1 - For sale 2 - For rent 3 - For Seasonal Rent |
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <urlset xmlns="http://www.sitemaps.org/schemas/sitemap/0.9" xmlns:xhtml="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> <listings> <listing> <uid>1234</uid> <cadastre>nordelec-603</cadastre> <mandat_date>01/20/2019</mandat_date> <mandat_reference>123132123</mandat_reference> <flag_id>1</flag_id> <sharing_partner_status>1</sharing_partner_status> <sharing_social_status>1</sharing_social_status> <web_visibility_status>1</web_visibility_status> <visibility_id>1</visibility_id> <classification_id>1</classification_id> <transaction_type_id>1</transaction_type_id> <contact>...</contact> <financial>...</financial> <communication>...</communication> <address>...</address> <area>...</area> <rooms>...</rooms> <pictures>...</pictures> <other>...</other> </listing> <listing>...</listing> <listing>...</listing> <listing>...</listing> <listing>...</listing> <listing>...</listing> </listings> </urlset>
Attributes | |
license_number string |
License number of the Agent. |
first_name string |
First name of the Agent. |
last_name string |
Last name of the Agent. |
email string |
E-mail address of the Agent, must match the e-mail address associated with the PRESTIGE MLS account. |
phone string |
Phone number of the Agent, please provide the international format. |
skype string |
Skype account of the Agent. |
spoken_languages string |
Languages speak by the Agent. |
facebook_url string |
URL to the Facebook profile of the Agent. |
twitter_url string |
URL to the Twitter profile of the Agent. |
linkedin_url string |
URL to the Linkedin profile of the Agent. |
picture_url string |
URL to the profile picture of the Agent. |
bio text |
Description of the Agent, only English supported for now. |
<contact> <broker> <license_number>123456<license_number> <first_name>John</first_name> <last_name>Doe</last_name> <email>johndoe@mail.com</email> <phone>5145145144</phone> <skype>username<skype/> <spoken_languages>English, French, Spanish<spoken_languages> <facebook_url>https://www.facebook.com/profile_link</facebook_url> <twitter_url>https://twitter.com/#!/profile_link</twitter_url> <linkedin_url>https://www.linkedin.com/profile_link</linkedin_url> <picture_url> http://www.goodies-by-sportcam.com/images/Image/LICORNE-ARC-EN-CIEL-LIC1.png </picture_url> <bio> <en> The description... Proin eget tortor risus.<br> Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae;<br> Donec velit neque, auctor sit amet aliquam vel, ullamcorper sit amet ligula. </en> </bio> </broker> </contact>
Attributes | |
price_visibility integer (If null, default = 1) |
Does the price public? 0 - No 1 - Yes |
price bigint |
Price of the property, if the transaction type is For Sale. Provide the price with cents. For $1,000,000, provide 100000000. |
currency string |
currency with ISO 4217 standard (CAD, USD, EUR...) |
mensual_fees bigint |
Mensual Fees for the property, same as for the price, please provide the amount with cents. For $1,000,000, provide 100000000. |
mensual_condo_fees bigint |
Mensual Condo Fees for the property, same as for the price, please provide the amount with cents.. For $1,000,000, provide 100000000. |
commission_rate float |
Commision rate, please provide the rate only, without %. |
commission_amount bigint |
Commision amount. Provide the amount with cents. For $1,000,000, provide 100000000. |
commission_rate_collaborator float |
Commision rate for the collaborators, please provide the rate only, without %. |
commission_amount_collaborator bigint |
Commision amount collaborators. Provide the amount with cents. For $1,000,000, provide 100000000. |
private_note text |
Private note for the collaborators. |
tax_annual_1 bigint |
Annual Taxe number 1, same as for the price, please provide the amount with cents. For $1,000,000, provide 100000000. |
tax_annual_2 bigint |
Annual Taxe number 2, same as for the price, please provide the amount with cents. For $1,000,000, provide 100000000. |
rent bigint |
Rent amount, if the transaction type is For Rent. Same as for the price, please provide the amount with cents. For $1,000,000, provide 100000000. |
rent_period integer |
The rent is due every (n) days. Please provide the number of days. If the rent is mensual, indicate 30 |
time_rent string |
The rent contract is valid for 1 week, 3 months, 1 year... |
rent_note text |
Note and informations regarding the rent. |
<financial> <price_visibility>1</price_visibility> <price>1500000000</price> <currency>USD</currency> <mensual_fees>50000</mensual_fees> <mensual_condo_fees>50000</mensual_condo_fees> <commission_rate>15.0</commission_rate> <commission_amount>5000</commission_amount> <commission_rate_collaborator>15.0</commission_rate_collaborator> <commission_amount_collaborator>5000</commission_amount_collaborator> <private_note>Cras ultricies ligula sed magna dictum porta. Praesent sapien massa, convallis a pellentesque nec, egestas non nisi.</private_note> <tax_annual_1>500000</tax_annual_1> <tax_annual_2>500000</tax_annual_2> <rent>500000</rent> <rent_period>30</rent_period> <time_rent>90</time_rent> <rent_note>Cras ultricies ligula sed magna dictum porta. Praesent sapien massa, convallis a pellentesque nec, egestas non nisi.</rent_note> </financial>
Attributes | |
title string |
Title of the property. |
description_short text |
Short description of the property, will be used for meta descriptions. |
description text |
Description of the property. |
youtube_url string |
URL to the video of the property. Can be YouTube, Vimeo, DailyMotion or anything else. |
virtual_visit_url string |
URL to the virtual visit of the property. |
<communication> <title>Superb villa for sale</title> <description_short>Mauris blandit aliquet elit, eget tincidunt nibh pulvinar a. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Donec velit neque, auctor sit amet aliquam vel, ullamcorper sit amet ligula.</description_short> <description>Mauris blandit aliquet elit, eget tincidunt nibh pulvinar a. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Donec velit neque, auctor sit amet aliquam vel, ullamcorper sit amet ligula.Mauris blandit aliquet elit, eget tincidunt nibh pulvinar a. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Donec velit neque, auctor sit amet aliquam vel, ullamcorper sit amet ligula.Mauris blandit aliquet elit, eget tincidunt nibh pulvinar a. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Donec velit neque, auctor sit amet aliquam vel, ullamcorper sit amet ligula.</description> <youtube_url>https://link_to_your_video</youtube_url> <virtual_visit_url>https://link_to_your_visit</virtual_visit_url> </communication>
Attributes | |
address_visibility integer (If null, default = 1) |
Does the address public? 0 - No 1 - Yes |
country string |
Country of the property. Prefered with ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 standard. |
street_number string |
Street number. |
street_name string |
Name of the street (without the street number). |
locality string |
Name of the locality/town/city. |
sublocality string |
Name of the sublocality/neighborhood. |
administrative_area_level_1 string |
Name of the region/province. |
administrative_area_level_2 string |
Name of the municipality/country. |
zipcode string |
Zipcode. |
latitude float |
Latitude. |
longitude float |
Longitute. |
<address> <address_visibility>1</address_visibility> <country>US</country> <street_number>4242</street_number> <street_name>Broker Street</street_name> <locality>Los Angeles</locality> <sublocality>Port View<sublocality> <administrative_area_level_1>California</administrative_area_level_1> <administrative_area_level_2>Los Angeles County</administrative_area_level_2> <zipcode>CA 90210</zipcode> <latitude>34.052235</latitude> <longitude>-118.243683</longitude> </address>
Attributes | |
living integer |
Living surface of the property. |
land integer |
Land surface of the property. |
terrace integer |
Terrace of the property. |
unit_id integer |
Unit of measurement: 1 - Square meter (m2) 2 - Square foot (sq) |
<area> <living>500.0</living> <land>3000.0</land> <terrace>0.0</terrace> <unit_id>1</unit_id> </area>
Attributes | |
rooms integer |
Number of rooms. |
bathrooms integer |
Number of bathrooms. |
bedrooms integer |
Number of bedrooms. |
showerrooms integer |
Number of showerrooms. |
dressing_rooms integer |
Number of dressing rooms. |
cellars integer |
Number of cellars. |
<rooms> <rooms>7</rooms> <bathrooms>7</bathrooms> <bedrooms>7</bedrooms> <showerrooms>7<showerrooms> <dressing_rooms>7</dressing_rooms> <cellars>7</cellars> </rooms>
Attributes | |
name string |
Name of the picture. |
url string |
URL to the picture. The source of the picture must be an URL. No binary will be processed. |
position integer |
Position of the picture in the gallery. |
<pictures> <picture> <name>Image 1</name> <url>http://url_to_the_img.jpeg</url> <position>1</position> </picture> <picture>...</picture> <picture>...</picture> <picture>...</picture> </pictures>
Attributes | |
availability string |
Availability date of the property. |
balcony integer |
Number of balcony. |
garage integer |
Number of garage. |
parking integer |
Number of parking. |
swimming_pool integer |
Number of swimming pool. |
tennis integer |
Number of tennis court. |
fireplace integer |
Number of fireplace. |
floor integer |
Number of floor. |
accomodation integer |
Number of accomodation. |
pet integer |
Pet allowed? 0 - No 1 - Yes |
lift integer |
Number of lift. |
air_conditioning integer |
Property equipped with air conditionning? 0 - No 1 - Yes |
year_of_built integer |
Year of build of the property. Four digits format. |
energy_consumption integer |
Energy consumption of the property, value in KWh/m2. |
energy_consumption_class string |
Energy consumption class: A B C D E F G |
gas_emissions integer |
Gas emission of the property, value in CO2/m2/year. |
gasemissionsclass string |
Gas emission class: A B C D E F G H I |
historical integer |
Is the property historic? 0 - No 1 - Yes |
waterfront integer |
Is the property on the waterfront? 0 - No 1 - Yes |
<other> <availability>01/20/2019<availability> <balcony>0</balcony> <garage>2</garage> <parking>0</parking> <swimming_pool>1</swimming_pool> <tennis>0</tennis> <fireplace>0</fireplace> <floor>0</floor> <accomodation>0</accomodation> <pet>0</pet> <lift>0</lift> <air_conditionning>0</air_conditionning> <year_of_built>1994</year_of_built> <energy_consumption>10</energy_consumption> <energy_consumption_class>B</energy_consumption_class> <gas_emissions>0</gas_emissions> <gas_emissions_class>A</gas_emissions_class> <historical>1</historical> <waterfront>1</waterfront> </other>